Thursday, August 27, 2020

Flight Training for the Fighter Wings :: Creative Writing Short Stories Flying Essays

Flight Training for the Fighter Wings First Installment.      The transport arrived at 0430 hours. Linkan, sitting in the back of the bus peered out the cockpit window to look out at the immense complex. The framework was get out to Phare's Star. Linkan could nearly feel the intensity of the Emperor’s Hammer. As they had come in framework from Setti, they had passed the SSSD Sovereign and her taskforce. He had been in the correct seat to see the colossal boat. It was excellent and exuded power from inside her structure, the turbo laser batteries standing out preferences little pricks along her frame.      As they cleared her bow, Linkan inclined forward and saw Daedalus. The spot he’d be living for the following three months. Well from what he heard, he realized this was the best spot to go to figure out how to be a pilot. Linkan recollected the most recent four months. It had been a lengthy, difficult experience since he had been acknowledged to the TIE Corps. A great many people imagined that you came directly to the stage and bounced into a warrior. Kid, was that not the situation.      Back on Setti, Linkan had gone to the neighborhood Imperial Fighter wing’s school and essential preparing program. Nine weeks of hellfire later, Linkan had moved on from essential preparing and had moved onto the Search and Rescue school run mutually with the Hammer’s Fist on Carida II. There he had been under the tutelage of a specific First Lieutenant Havz, an intense authority who had shown him and his class of pilots what to do on account of discharge or slamming land your contender. It had been a distressing three weeks as they tried to check whether he could withstand the pressure of such tasks. The last crucial been a reproduced crash. Him and his accomplice, Dru Stavenal of Aurora Prime, were dropped off by transport in Carida’s woodland. They were to endure together for a time of 96 hours in the wild, under troublesome conditions. Dru had broken his lower leg on the subsequent day, and Linkan needed to think about him during the remainder of the 72 hours until they could arrive at the pickup point. He had scarcely had the option to convey the human the last five klicks to the holding up transport. He had breezed through the assessment without a hitch the educator had stated, presently just on the off chance that he would pass the <a href=http://www.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Physical Therapy College Essay Essays

Non-intrusive treatment College Essay Essays Non-intrusive treatment College Essay Non-intrusive treatment College Essay While considering the variables that can hinder a remedial relationship, correspondence is the central matter of working in the social insurance field. It is essential to be delicate not exclusively to the physical confinements of patients however to their enthusiastic impediments also. I am spurred to turn into a physical advisor since I need to upgrade physical wellbeing, wellness and personal satisfaction to grown-ups and kids. A decent physical specialist is similarly as significant as a decent specialist. I realize how destroying wounds can be to an individual truly and intellectually. In mishap casualties and people with handicapping conditions, I see that it is so critical to help individuals reestablish, keep up, and advance in general wellness and wellbeing. Specialists can change people groups lives by lifting their spirits and helping them recover their personal satisfaction, and I might want to be a piece of that. I have consumed my time on earth around dynamic individuals. I have taken an interest in games since I was exceptionally youthful and have played physical games. I have exceeded expectations in baseball, and its the essential explanation that I am picking this forte. Exercise based recuperation can help the not all that dynamic individuals moreover. My mom has a neurological degenerative ailment that makes her muscles solidify up, so it is significant for all her up with her scope of movement, so regular undertakings are simpler on her. My auntie is someone else in my life who has profited by exercise based recuperation in an emotional manner; she endured a stroke about a year back. She was restricted to a wheel seat, and with the assistance of persistent active recuperation, the utilization of her seat has been constrained. My cousin functions as leader of the PT office at Staten Island University Hospital, and talking with her, I have figured out how requesting, and compensating PT can be. I might want to work in the non-intrusive treatment industry as a games coach. I like being around sports while managing medication and game wounds. My objective is work with secondary school competitors anyplace up to proficient competitors. My need is ensure every one of my patients are effective and upbeat on their street to recuperation. I realize that I have the characteristics that will make me fruitful to exceed expectations in PT.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Is it Worth It to Buy Term Paper For Sale Online?

Is it Worth It to Buy Term Paper For Sale Online?If you are looking for a term paper for sale online, there are many places you can look. The question is, do you want to sell it? Or just use it as a resource for others who are interested in going back to school or just need a refresher course? Either way, this can be a very wise decision.If you are selling it, then finding the best prices can save you a ton of money in the long run. This is because the paper will have to be shredded and reused for at least 10 times. By finding a buyer, you will also be able to avoid paying retail for the paper.Another thing to consider when looking for a term paper for sale online is if the paper is already formatted. Many times, this will require some editing and layout changes. However, if you know someone who is good with computers, you can hire them to do it for you.You can also take care of this type of paper yourself if you prefer. By uploading your own version of the paper, you can edit and fo rmat it for yourself. This can make a huge difference in price and can save you a lot of money over what you would pay someone else to do it.Papers that are already formatted do not come cheaper than a customized version. Plus, you can get a lot more out of it because the original idea is already set. You will also be able to share your work with other people and can help them too.Going back to school can be expensive. One way to save money is by choosing paper that is less expensive and has fewer uses. Although this may not be a good option for everyone, this can still be a good alternative to using the paper.A paper that is recycled and is re-used can be a great deal for someone who just wants to save the paper. By cutting costs, you can actually save money. When you know that paper is recycling, you are doing your part to help out the environment and protect our future.This article can help you decide if it is worth it to buy paper online. Sometimes paper is worth the price, espe cially if you want to save the environment. For those that want to get a lot of use out of the paper, it can be a great deal.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Race A Privilege System - 2023 Words

Alyson McMahon Professor Phillips ENWR-105-16 4 March 2016 Race: A Privilege or a Misfortune? In her 2012 TEDx Talk, â€Å"How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion†, Peggy McIntosh discusses how race is a privilege system and how white people are given an advantage without even realizing it. In her lecture McIntosh says, â€Å"These privilege systems, which locate us above and below the hypothetical line of social justice, were invented and we were born into them. And we all know both sides and that is the reason for compassion, about the sadness of having been born into systems that gave us such†¦ such different ‘politics of location’†. Here, it seems that McIntosh’s main goal is to inform people that we are born into a privilege system because of our skin color and the only way that we can prevent a social hierarchy we must be able to recognize that we are all different. I think that the human population should be able to identify that people are different and have compassion for the differences in society our world t oday could have little to no race issues. After listening to McIntosh’s arguments, I support the ideas she makes throughout her works and I find that privilege systems are still prominent in today’s society. In her lecture, McIntosh uses the term, â€Å"myth of meritocracy†. This term is used to imply that whites, particularly males, believe that they have earned and deserve respect. But, McIntosh believes this is not true, she says in her discussion thatShow MoreRelatedWhite Privilege : A Crime America Pays For1635 Words   |  7 PagesWhite Privilege: A Crime America Pays for Being Privilege is something many of us do not realize we have on an everyday basis. Privilege is something you can get over time, but others are born with the natural ability to be privileged. Anybody who is â€Å"white† descent is born with what is known as white privilege. Many of us do not recognize this the privilege that comes with being white in society. We go on everyday taking advantage of other races by being white without even knowing it. Read MoreReflection on White Privilege Essay604 Words   |  3 Pageshighlighted various unearned white privileges in her autobiographical article â€Å"White Privilege, Color and Crime: A Personal Account.† She illustrated the white privilege as an invisible package of unearned assets that one white person could count on cashing in each day. White people have these privileges given to them by the society in which they live in. The same society taught them to be ignorant and unawareness of these privileges. Th is system of unearned privileges established by white individualsRead MoreThe Issues Of Race And Privilege1138 Words   |  5 PagesIs the water safe to drink? Many questions. Something that has been a question, a problem, an issue, for many years has recently become the main focus of topic; race and privilege. Those are topics that is discussed by many and somewhat dreaded by others. How can all people work collectively to address issues of race and privilege? That is a question that I will address and hopefully offer a solution to the issues in the form of a moral claim. Political philosophers or philosophies to supportRead MoreWhite Privilege : An Integral Part Of America s Declaration Of Independence Essay1414 Words   |  6 PagesWhite Privilege Our country was founded on the notion that â€Å"all men are created equal,† while this concept is an integral part of America’s Declaration of Independence, the fundamental idea has never genuinely been practiced. Our country established a white supremacy culture in its founding days, and has accepted the concept since. White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to those of all other races. Although there have been valiant efforts, the inequality of the races has neverRead MoreSociology Factors1160 Words   |  5 Pages1. (a) Privilege is defined as a favor or right granted to some people, but not to everyone. (b) Power is defined as strength, ability, or a driving force. (c) Difference is defined as the way in which two things are not the same. (d) According to MacIntosh there are two types of privileges. The first is based on what she calls unearned entitlements, which are things that all people should have. Some examples are feeling safe in a public place or working in a place where they feel that they belongRead MorePrivilege And Oppression : Concepts That Provides Clarification On People s Experience1739 Words   |  7 PagesPrivilege and oppression are concepts that provides clarification on people’s experience. They both contribute to intersectionality which explain notion that people’s perspectives and experiences differ in term of the categories of identity. Each person may experience privilege and/ or oppression from institutional structures depending on their situations. It mean that systems of privilege and oppression can intersect and a person could experience p rivilege and oppression simultaneously. These systemsRead MoreComplexity of Privilege and Domination1682 Words   |  7 PagesThe Complexity of Privilege and Domination Privilege always occurs at the expense of others. Allan Johnson states, â€Å"The trouble we’re in privileges some groups at the expense of others. It creates a yawning divide in levels of income, wealth, dignity, safety, health, and quality of life† (Johnson 7). Allan Johnson states this in Chapter 1 of his book Privilege, Power and Difference and it is one of the most powerful statements in the whole book. Privilege creates a great divide between peopleRead MoreWhite Privilege : Unpacking The Invisible Backpack891 Words   |  4 PagesPrivilege is often seen as special rights granted to individuals either on behalf of merit or through unwarranted means. In their writings, Johnson (privilege, oppression, and difference) and Peggy McIntosh (White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Backpack) discuss their views on the impact that privileging specific social groups has on society. The concept of whiteness in America is often overlooked or unaffiliated with discussions concerning racial dilemmas. Whiteness and white privilege perpetuatesRead MoreThe Term ‘Race’ Can Articulate Various Connotations And1257 Words   |  6 PagesThe term ‘race’ can articulate various connotations and ideas. However, the principal idea to keep in mind is that race is not a biological term and serves its only resolution in holding or mobilizing people socially. In a determination to understand the construction of race differences and relationships, I identify conclusions from readings from Pem Davidson Buck, John Taylor Gatto and Bill O’Reilly, scrutinize the Anglo-Conformity that different races go through in predominantly white culture vicinitiesRead Morewhite privilege1595 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ White Privilege: Reflection Paper Northeastern State University Abstract This paper is about my reflection of White Privilege in the United States. I got my information from four resources. The first resource was the handout provided for this assignment; White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack, by Peggy McIntosh. The second resource was the website, Access is provided via Northeastern State University as a resource for peer-reviewed articles. Thirdly

Friday, May 15, 2020

Karl Marx And The Communist Manifesto - 1453 Words

In the Communist Manifesto, a document that first proclaimed the ideology of communism itself, Marx declared that the â€Å"history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles† (Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels). As a man who spurred resentment of governments and inspired revolutionaries, Karl Marx is often regarded as a man who led to the rise of 20th century tyrannical dictators such as Stalin and Mao to take power. His ideas are regarded as failures and, by some, are seen as pure evil. However, the ideas of Marx were not evil and did not solely bring about the rise of dictators. Rather, Karl Marx dedicated his life to bring economic equality to Europe and wanted to bring an end to the corrupt inequality that the†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, Marx’s upbringing also showed him religion s â€Å"seductive tyranny†. His father, a Rabbi, had turned away from Judaism, for the family was living in a predominantly Protestant area tha t was discriminatory against the Jewish people, especially by the rulers of the county (Wheen 9). Marx’s childhood had an immense impact on his life. He was born bourgeois Jew who turned from his faith, argued for socialist values, and eventually died penniless and nearly friendless. As a result of his upbringing, Marx was able to be educated on the ideas of socialism, for he lived in a wealthy family and was able to attend college. His father’s religious switch from Judaism to Christianity not only turned him away from Judaism, but ended up preventing Marx from becoming a Rabbi himself. The nurturing, more father-like, nature of his father-in-law prompted Marx to pursue knowledge and growth over religious ideas or social etiquette. His childhood was the mold that shaped Karl Marx into the man he would become. Marx’s contact with Hegelian philosophy in college changed his perception on social and economic classes in society and inspired him to pursue the idea of socialism further in college despite his father’s wishes. While in college, Marx had begun studying law and had planned to become a lawyer. At the University, there were many who had preached the ideas of Hegel, but Marx turned away at first, not wanting to lose his father’s support and fundingShow MoreRelatedKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1044 Words   |  5 Pagesworld was forever changed when Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto, the ideas of a stateless and classless society would inspire many, and forge the path that many nations would follow, and give rise to numerous conflicts throughout the 20th century. Karl Marx was born in Trier, Germany on May 5th 1818. During his early years he studied philosophy and law, in 1834 Marx had moved to Paris and had adopted a radical view of socialism known as communism. Marx met and became friends with aRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx1364 Words   |  6 PagesThe Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, has become one of the world s most significant pieces of political propaganda written to this date. The main contributor to the book was Karl Marx. Marx was born on May 5th, 1818 in Western Germany. When he turned seventeen he enrolled at the University of Bonn to study law. Due to his social misbehavior, his father had him transferred to the University of Berlin, which had a stricter regime. During this time at college, heRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1185 Words   |  5 PagesIn their work called The Communist Manifesto, which was created in 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are exploring their ideas and thoughts on the situation that was taking place in their time : the distinction that was more and more visible between two social classes - proletariat and bourgeoisie. The two authors are explaining how the bourgeoisie is exploiting the working class. They are encouraging the oppressed workers to rise and to confront this injustice in order to make their life betterRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx1094 Words   |  5 Pagesthe rich and the o ppressed would battle the oppressor. During the time â€Å"The Communist Manifesto† was written, we can see two distinct classes battling out as well. These two classes are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. According to Karl Marx in â€Å"The Communist Manifesto†, the battle will end â€Å"either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes† (Marx 8). Marx argues that in the end the proletariat would remain because the bourgeoisie areRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto1112 Words   |  5 PagesFail- Past, Present, and Future Karl Marx was born in Prussia in 1818. Later in his life he became a newspaper editor and his writings ended up getting him expelled by the Prussian authorities for its radicalism and atheism (Perry 195). He then met Fredrich Engels and together they produced The Communist Manifesto in 1848, for the Communist League. This piece of writing basically laid out Marx’s theory of history in short form (Coffin 623). The Communist Manifesto is mainly revolved around how societyRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marx is undoubtedly one the the most influential and controversial writers in modern history; Robert Tucker, a noted political scientist at Princeton University, once asserted, â€Å"[Marx] profoundly affected ideas about history, society, economics, ideology, culture, and politics [and] about the nature of social inquiry itself. No other intellectual influence has so powerfully shaped the mind of modern left-wing radicalism in most parts of the world.† (9). Indeed, his innumerable works, in particularRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx Essay1426 Words   |  6 PagesKarl Marx is undoubtedly one the most influential and controversial writers in modern history; Robert Tucker, a noted political scientist at Princeton University, once asserted, â€Å"[Marx] profoundly affected ideas about history, society, economics, ideology, culture, and politics [and] about the nature of social inquiry itself. No other intellectual influence has so powerfully shaped the mind of modern left-wing radicalism in most parts of the world.† (9). Indeed, his innumerable works, in particularRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx1678 Words   |  7 PagesThe Communist Manifesto composed by Karl Marx in 1848 is noted as a standout amongst the most powerful political archives on the planet. The distribution of the book earned Marx the notoriety of a conspicuous humanist and political scholar. Regardle ss of his eminence, there are numerous discussions concerning the thoughts and ideas of socialism figured in the papers that are still heatedly faced off regarding even today. Marx (1998) opened the book with, The historical backdrop of all up to thisRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto993 Words   |  4 PagesKarl Marx published The Communist Manifesto in 1848, and with it a public warning to capitalists that the entire economic, social and political systems would soon crumble. His prediction continues by stating where society was headed as a result of bourgeoisie economics: a revolution by the workers and the eventual ushering in of socialism. Soon after Marx publicized the reasons communism would come to conquer capitalism, riots, strikes and general unrest surfaced in France – just as he predictedRead MoreKarl Marx And The Communist Manifesto Essay1691 Words   |  7 PagesKarl Marx (1818-1883), in collaboration with his benefactor and friend, Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), founded the Marxist Theory. Both men were philosophers, however were referred to as revolutionaries. ‘The Communist Manifesto’, was written collaboratively by both Marx and Engels, as they explored the argument that â€Å"history and progress can be seen dialectically as societies shift from one mode of production to another†. This will be argued through a contextual account of Marxism, its development

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance of Young Entrepreneurs in Society - 2143 Words

Daniel Gonzalez 13/06/2015 English 12 Topic, Thesis Statement, Main ideas: Argumentative Essay 13 Minutes Thesis Statement: Every young person should be an entrepreneur, because it gives him the opportunity to build his own future, set an example in society, and help his family since he is young. List of main ideas: 1. Experience for the future. 2. Build your own future. 3. You can have extra money 4. You can have a good use to your extra time. 5. You can be an example for society. 6. You will have a job since young. 7. You will help your employees. 8. You can donate money. 9. You can help your family. 10. You can apply†¦show more content†¦It is not bad for a young entrepreneur to pay bills; instead, it is good, because it gives the young person responsibilities to do, and makes the young entrepreneur a good family member because he contributes to home and stops spending things he used to spend because he is now the one who pays the bills. In conclusion, I strongly believe that being a young entrepreneur is good because it gives the young entrepreneur the opportunity to build his own future, set an example in society, and help his family since he is young, what is good because by doing so, the young person gains many things, such as responsibility towards life, perseverance in his life, and of course humility to ask God for His help at what he is doing in his life. It is definitely good to be a young entrepreneur because God tells us to use well our time and give an example to the believers while we are young, and we can do that being young laborious servants of God. Daniel Gonzalez 14/06/2015 English 12 Second Draft, Argumentative Essay 22 Minutes â€Å"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.† (1st Timothy 4:12) This is one of the most important verses the Bible has for young people; in fact, thisShow MoreRelatedIncommendations1292 Words   |  6 Pagessupport in terms of finance for the young people in order to develop Indonesia’s economy and encourage competition and innovation among the youth. The researcher recommends government to create a program that providing funds for impressive business plan from young entrepreneurs. This program should provide sufficient funds require for young entrepreneurs to start business, without requiring them to provide guarantee. The most common obstacle faced by the young entrepreneurs is limited offer from governmentRead MoreAn Independent Body Marketing : India Of The First Air Ambulance Company766 Words   |  4 Pagescapital from abroad. Increasingly, civi l society, and especially women are keen to partake in the growth process through entrepreneurial mobilisation. Examples of individual and collective successes are abound. A few months ago, the think-tank Terangaweb, an independent body marketing itself as Africa of Ideas, published a ranking of 30 young African entrepreneurs to follow. Entrepreneurial in nature and lead by a willingness to take concrete action, this young business people draw innovative projectsRead More2.1 Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur And Enterprise Skills.1336 Words   |  6 Pages 2.1 Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur and Enterprise Skills Deï ¬ ning the very essence of entrepreneurship is part of a longstanding theoretical debate (Henry, Hill Leitch, 2005, p. 99). Deï ¬ nitions are particularly important in the field because many of the terms associated with the discipline, such as entrepreneurship, entrepreneur and enterprise, are often used interchangeably. For the purpose of this review, the definition of entrepreneurship is synonymous with Gibb (2007), who describes entrepreneurshipRead MoreStarting A Business Is A Difficult Task For Anyone, Despite Their Age856 Words   |  4 Pagesunique to their demographic. Many of the most prominent business people in our society today started off as entrepreneurs at varying ages. Being an entrepreneur is not confined to a single age, however, some ages are more successful than others. When the term entrepreneur comes to mind one usually will picture a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs type, never a child or even a teenager. However, the number of child entrepreneurs is growing everyday. Around 77 percent of students say they want to be their ownRead MoreThe Importance Of Literacies On Entrepreneurial Endeavors1425 Words   |  6 PagesThe Importance of Literacies in Entrepreneurial Endeavors The things that are routine or familiar in life seem to get overlooked, regardless of how amazing they are. Think about the human eye. Is it not amazing how light, matter, and the complexity of the human eye all work in harmony to give sight so that the world can be observed? Sight is something that we have grown numb to†¦ something whose science the world could marvel at but instead, the ability to see is just another part of waking up andRead MoreHow to Make India a Better Place1230 Words   |  5 PagesAs we step into the new decade, we asked a spectrum of entrepreneurs, bankers, VCs and marketing consultants on how they think India can improve its entrepreneurship quotient. Here is a blue print for developing the country’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and pave way for a brave new world Dream, adventure, determination. This sums up the secret trait of a successful entrepreneur. Is there a system which will help nurture this in our young? When we talk of building an entrepreneurial ecosystem, weRead MoreOverview Of Schumpeter Denoted Entrepreneur As An Essential Element For The Economic Growth And Entrepreneurial Process1339 Words   |  6 PagesSchumpeter denoted entrepreneur as a key in the economic growth and entrepreneurial process as a prime element in the progress and advancement of economy. Again he stated that entrepreneurship is an essential element for the development of any economy and economic and political framework condition would not affect the growth. The benefits due to entrepreneurship to community will be greater in those economies where entrepreneurs have flexibility to operate, to expand their ideas, and to obliterateRead More21200 Words   |  5 Pagescoupled with a solid business idea, good financial management, and effective execution to maximize chances for success. 4. What is entrepreneurship? How can one differentiate an entrepreneurial firm from any other type of firm? In what ways is an entrepreneur who just launched a restaurant different from someone who just took a job as a general manager of a restaurant owned by a major restaurant chain? Entrepreneurship is the process by which individuals pursue opportunities without regard to resourcesRead MoreEnterprise, Entrepreneurship And Intrapreneurship. Enterprise1638 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Entrepreneur came from the French word called ‘Enteprendre’, which means ‘to undertake’ when translated into English and that is what entrepreneurs basically do. This report not only discusses what entrepreneurship is but also the different methods an entrepreneur can use to develop a business and how a new/fresh business can help the economy and third world countries too. This report explains what can go wrong within a business and what sorts of misconceptions there are, and if they’reRead MoreThe Impact Of Ethnic Diversity On The Development Of An Entrepreneur1617 Words   |  7 Pagessucceed as an entrepreneur, they must go beyond the ‘norm’ and differentiate themselves from other competing entrepreneurs; this may be achieved by embracing both social and ethnic diversity. Social diversity refers to the different factors that set individuals apart in a society like gender, age or religion, whereas ethnic diversity looks at different ethnic groups and cultures . This report will first look at how ethnic diversity contributes to the development of an entrepreneur, and the limitations

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Jamie Oliver free essay sample

It recently won the Restaurant Chain of the Year award, at the 2010 R200 Awards, and the managing director, Simon Blagden, won the Best Individual award at the 2011 Retailers’ Retailer of the Year Awards. Also, at this year’s RRY Awards, Jamie’s Italian won the Best Concept Award and Oliver was named Investor of the Year (Charity, 2011). Since its debut in 2008, Jamie’s Italian has shown risky but promising figures. The turnover in its first year was ? 3. 74m and experienced growth of 418% to ? 19. 4m for its second year (see Figure 1).However, in its first year ? the restaurant had a loss of ? 924,341, which was attributed on the investment required to open the first three restaurants. Jamie Oliver Group predicts â€Å"a substantial increase in profits† in 2011 (Quinn, 2011). It is Figure 1 estimated that the turnover will be ? 70m. Companies House released a statement about Jamie’s Italian, â€Å"The directors are highly focused on ensuring that all new investments achieve excellent returns on investment. We will write a custom essay sample on Jamie Oliver or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page [They] adopt a rigorous approach to the capital investment appraisal of all new sites. This includes a detailed financial evaluation as well as demographic, competitor and market analysis† (Tryhorn, 2009). Oliver’s ambitious approach in introducing the restaurant to the world will surely help gain admirers. The strategy The marketing strategy for Jamie’s Italian is unique for its kind. Unlike many of his celebrity chef cohorts, Oliver wants the experience to be relaxed and not pretentious in any way. The chain is being marketed as a neighborhood mid-market restaurant. So much so, that they even encourage patrons not to make reservations and dine when they wish.If you visit Jamie’s Italian website It’s all about bringing my (2011), it specifically says, â€Å"We want you to visit us when it suits you and as our menu is food to the public and designed around fresh, quality dishes that are produced, things offering them the best value quickly Rather thanweve decided to keepsuggest simple. taking bookings, we that you just come along and well find you a for money they can get. table as soon as we possibly can. † â€Å" † Case study: Jamie’s Italian – From Marketing Strategy to Communications Not only do the restaurants provide a cozy environment but also the prices are very reasonable.Oliver says this about the chain, â€Å"[It] is all about bringing my food to the public and offering them the best value for money they can get. I’m putting my name on the line. The restaurant will have to offer the best quality meal diners have had at that cost otherwise I will have failed† (Kuhn, 2007). The positioning of his restaurant will allow him to reach a market that his other restaurants may not have been able to. His two other restaurants, Barbecoa and Fifteen, are marketed as top-class and fine dining restaurants, where reservations are required.Along with his consistency in using quality fresh ingredients, the rustic and authentic experience, and the new lower-priced strategy in new markets will help make his brand more available for the average consumer. The execution Jamie’s Italian started out with restaurants opening in mainly University cities, within the UK. The first one opened in early 2008 in Bath, then Brighton, and then Cambridge. There are now 17 locations, with 10 more opening in 2011 (Quinn, 2011). Oliver is even beginning to expand Jamie’s Italian globally with its Dubai restaurant opening this past February and a Sydney location due to open in July.Dubai was chosen for the first international opening as managing director Simon Blagden dubs the city ‘an international dining city’ (TradeArabia, 2010). By starting regionally and expanding within the international market, it is clear that there is no stopping Oliver Company. The outcome With Jamie Oliver at the top of his game, the move into reasonably priced restaurant chains is a smart one his behalf. Everyone wants a piece of him and by allowing the customer to enjoy a Jamie meal without having to break the bank, it is a win-win situation.Oliver is appealing to the masses by inviting patrons to enjoy a top-notch meal at an affordable price. The restaurant chain has been one of the biggest successes in high street eating for every location. If the restaurant continues down this current path, by the turn of the year (should profits Jamie Oliver channels continue to grow) Jamie’s Italian could easily be worth in a lot of passion into his the region of ? 100m (Quinn, 2011). â€Å" Analysis work†¦ † With the major success of the Jamie Oliver brand, Jamie’s Italian has been warmly welcomed in every location. The restaurant chain is part of Jamie Oliver Group’s new market development strategy. Jamie’s Italian is expanding into these new consumer markets at an extremely rapid rate. With an international following behind him, there is no doubt that Jamie’s Italian restaurants will see great success in the coming years. The restaurant chain is just a small part of the Jamie Oliver brand. The concept is a simple idea that seems easy enough to replicate. However, if Jamie Oliver were not the man behind it all, it simply would not fly. The success and enormous following can be attributed to the use of emotional branding.