Monday, May 25, 2020

Race A Privilege System - 2023 Words

Alyson McMahon Professor Phillips ENWR-105-16 4 March 2016 Race: A Privilege or a Misfortune? In her 2012 TEDx Talk, â€Å"How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion†, Peggy McIntosh discusses how race is a privilege system and how white people are given an advantage without even realizing it. In her lecture McIntosh says, â€Å"These privilege systems, which locate us above and below the hypothetical line of social justice, were invented and we were born into them. And we all know both sides and that is the reason for compassion, about the sadness of having been born into systems that gave us such†¦ such different ‘politics of location’†. Here, it seems that McIntosh’s main goal is to inform people that we are born into a privilege system because of our skin color and the only way that we can prevent a social hierarchy we must be able to recognize that we are all different. I think that the human population should be able to identify that people are different and have compassion for the differences in society our world t oday could have little to no race issues. After listening to McIntosh’s arguments, I support the ideas she makes throughout her works and I find that privilege systems are still prominent in today’s society. In her lecture, McIntosh uses the term, â€Å"myth of meritocracy†. This term is used to imply that whites, particularly males, believe that they have earned and deserve respect. But, McIntosh believes this is not true, she says in her discussion thatShow MoreRelatedWhite Privilege : A Crime America Pays For1635 Words   |  7 PagesWhite Privilege: A Crime America Pays for Being Privilege is something many of us do not realize we have on an everyday basis. Privilege is something you can get over time, but others are born with the natural ability to be privileged. 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