Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Importance of Young Entrepreneurs in Society - 2143 Words

Daniel Gonzalez 13/06/2015 English 12 Topic, Thesis Statement, Main ideas: Argumentative Essay 13 Minutes Thesis Statement: Every young person should be an entrepreneur, because it gives him the opportunity to build his own future, set an example in society, and help his family since he is young. List of main ideas: 1. Experience for the future. 2. Build your own future. 3. You can have extra money 4. You can have a good use to your extra time. 5. You can be an example for society. 6. You will have a job since young. 7. You will help your employees. 8. You can donate money. 9. You can help your family. 10. You can apply†¦show more content†¦It is not bad for a young entrepreneur to pay bills; instead, it is good, because it gives the young person responsibilities to do, and makes the young entrepreneur a good family member because he contributes to home and stops spending things he used to spend because he is now the one who pays the bills. In conclusion, I strongly believe that being a young entrepreneur is good because it gives the young entrepreneur the opportunity to build his own future, set an example in society, and help his family since he is young, what is good because by doing so, the young person gains many things, such as responsibility towards life, perseverance in his life, and of course humility to ask God for His help at what he is doing in his life. It is definitely good to be a young entrepreneur because God tells us to use well our time and give an example to the believers while we are young, and we can do that being young laborious servants of God. Daniel Gonzalez 14/06/2015 English 12 Second Draft, Argumentative Essay 22 Minutes â€Å"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.† (1st Timothy 4:12) This is one of the most important verses the Bible has for young people; in fact, thisShow MoreRelatedIncommendations1292 Words   |  6 Pagessupport in terms of finance for the young people in order to develop Indonesia’s economy and encourage competition and innovation among the youth. The researcher recommends government to create a program that providing funds for impressive business plan from young entrepreneurs. This program should provide sufficient funds require for young entrepreneurs to start business, without requiring them to provide guarantee. 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